
Here you will find links to sites that offer statistics, reports, and studies, among others, on the field of education. These links are useful for teaching, research or finding information on topics related to the Economics of Education. You will also find links to personal websites of researchers and teachers in the field of economics of education. If you detect an error in the links provided or believe that there is a relevant link missing, please send us an email filling out this form.

International programmes

  • PISA. Programme for International Students Assessment. OECD
  • TIMSS. Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study. IEA
  • PIRLS. Progress in International Reading Literacy Study. IEA
  • TALIS. Teaching and Learning International Survey. OECD
  • PIAAC. Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies. OECD
  • TEDS-M. Teacher Education and Development Study in Mathematics. IEA