J. L. Moreno Becerra
Call for submissions for José Luis Moreno Becerra 2023 Award
The Spanish Economics of Education Society (AEDE) grants a biennial award, the José Luis Moreno Becerra Award to the best PhD thesis on Economics of Education. The amount of the prize is 1,500 euros, and free registration fee for next Meeting in 2024.
All eligible theses can be submitted in two consecutive editions of the Award. For the current edition, we accept theses defended in 2021 and 2022 or those submitted for the 2021 Award which did not win (in the latter, the candidate must state they wish to compete for the prize again).
To apply for this award, candidates must be members of the AEDE and send one copy in pdf format of the following documents:
- Thesis.
- Curriculum vitae.
- Official qualification.
- Publications derived from the thesis.
These documents must be sent by April 1st 2023 to the following address: info@economicsofeducation.com
The Executive Committee will announce the Award winner during the course of the General Assembly that will be held in 2023.
The Agencia Canaria de Calidad Universitaria y Evaluación Educativa (ACCUEE, legislation can be found here) will appoint a Jury that will assess the submitted theses according to the following criteria:
- Interest and adequacy of the aims of the thesis, theoretical framework and hypotheses.
- Methodology and techniques used.
- Adequacy of data and information sources used.
- Relevance of the results and conclusions reached.
List of past award winners
XIVª Edition of the José Luis Moreno Becerra Award for PhD Theses, year 2023. Dr. Claudia Prieto Latorre was awarded for a thesis titled «Essays on Economics of Education: a quantitative approach»,supervised by D. Óscar David Marcenaro Gutiérrez
XIII Edition of the José Luis Moreno Becerra Award for PhD Theses, year 2021. Dr. Eva María de la Torre García was awarded for a thesis titled “Typologies of universities: Role of the third mission in university policies and strategies in the new framework of higher education”, supervised by Dra. Carmen Pérez Esparrells and Dr. Fernando Casani Fernández de Navarrete
XII Edition of the José Luis Moreno Becerra Award for PhD Theses, year 2019. Dr. Luis Alejandro López Agudo was awarded for a thesis titled “Essays on economics of education from the perspective of microeconometrics and optimization”, supervised by Dr. Óscar David Marcenaro and Dr. Mariano Luque.
XI Edition of the José Luis Moreno Becerra Award for PhD Theses, year 2017. Dr. Gabriela Sicilia was awarded for a thesis titled “Essays on the estimation of educational technical efficiency under endogeneity”, supervised by Dr. Daniel Santín.
X Edition of the José Luis Moreno Becerra Award for PhD Theses, year 2015. Dr. Susana Morales Sequera was awarded for a thesis titled “La descentralización de la educación no universitaria en España: Efectos sobre la convergencia regional desde la perspectiva del gasto público”, supervised by Dr. Carmen Pérez Esparrells. Link
IX Edition of the José Luis Moreno Becerra Award for PhD Theses, year 2013. Dr. D. Mauro Mediavilla Bordalejo was awarded for a thesis titled “Una evaluación cuasi-experimental del efecto de las becas y ayudas al estudio sobre las tasas de éxito escolar”, supervised by Dr. D. Jorge Calero Martínez.. Link
VIII Edition of the José Luis Moreno Becerra Award for PhD Theses, year 2011. Dr. D. Alvaro Choi de Mendizabal was awarded for a thesis titled “Análisis de políticas educativas de la República de Corea: una aproximación a través de técnicas de microsimulación”, supervised by Dr. D. Jorge Calero Martínez. Link
VII Edition of the José Luis Moreno Becerra Award for PhD Theses, year 2009. Dr. D. Mario Rueda Narváez was awarded for a thesis titled “Discriminación salarial por razón de género y capital humano: Un análisis con datos de panel”, supervised by Dra. Lucia Navarro and Dr. Antonio Caparrós. Link
VI Edition of the José Luis Moreno Becerra Award for PhD Theses, year 2007. Dr. José María Gómez Sancho was awarded for a thesis titled “La evaluación de la eficiencia productiva de las Universidades Públicas Españolas”, supervised by Dra. M ª. Jesús Mancebón Torrubia. Link
V Edition of the José Luis Moreno Becerra Award for PhD Theses, year 2005. Dra. Marta Mercedes Rahona López was awarded for a thesis titled “Los efectos de la educación universitaria en la inserción laboral de los jóvenes: Análisis del caso español en la década de los noventa”, supervised by Dr. Maximino Carpio García.
IV Edition of the José Luis Moreno Becerra Award for PhD Theses, year 2004. Dra. Sara Mª González Betancor was awarded for a thesis titled “Inserción laboral, desajuste educativo y trayectorias laborales de los titulados en formación profesional específica en la isla de Gran Canaria (1997-2000)”, supervised by Dra. Carmen Delia Dávila Quintana and Dr. José Ángel Gil Jurado. Link
III Edition of the José Luis Moreno Becerra Award for PhD Theses, year 2003. Dra. Mª Isabel Aguilar Ramos was awarded for a thesis titled “La inserción laboral de los jóvenes en España. Un enfoque microeconométrico”, supervised by Dra. Mª Lucía Navarro Gómez. Link
II Edition of the José Luis Moreno Becerra Award for PhD Theses, year 2002. Dr. Antonio Caparrós Ruiz was awarded for a thesis titled “Análisis de la movilidad laboral en España”, supervised by Dra. Mª Lucía Navarro Gómez. Link
I Edition of the José Luis Moreno Becerra Award for PhD Theses, year 2001. Dra. Asunción Valiente García was awarded for a thesis titled “La demanda de educación universitaria y el rendimiento privado de la educación en España”, supervised by Dr. José Miguel Sánchez Molinero and Dra. Mª Jesús San Segundo. Link
About José Luis Moreno Becerra
- Biographical profile
- Tribute book. Reference: La Financiación de las universidades : un análisis por comunidades autónomas: tribute book of the Association of Economics of Education to José Luis Moreno / Mª Jesús San Segundo, coordinator. Madrid : Conferencia de Rectores de las Universidades Españolas, DL 2003. ISBN 8493278300. Enlace web.